Every rat breeder and keeper is different so I thought it would be useful to outline my beliefs and the type of breeder that I am.
- My foundation rats are from Beeghos, Rivendell, Rattie Asylum and Zephyr. All of these ratteries are active in the fancy and have achieved their stud name under the National Fancy Rat Society.
- My rats live with me in my house and are pets, first and foremost. They are not stock and I will not be breeding to demand, kittens will be available as a result of larger litters that I don't need to keep to further my lines.
- When kittens are available they will be advertised to current Gingerbread owners and then on my social media. From time to time I may share homing a group with another breeder, if the situation arises of a lone sex kitten or the opportunity to offer different varieties.
- Does will be bred no more than twice. I will only be breeding once if a doe gives me a reasonable size litter and this is preferable to me as every pregnancy is a health risk.
- All kittens will be kept and/or homed even if I cannot continue a line with them, I do not support culling in any shape or form, unless medically dictated when a kitten fails to thrive or if there's a human health risk from contagious disease.
- Kittens will not be homed before they are 8 weeks of age.
- I do not temperament test. I find this is unnecessary and cruel. Rats are creatures with feelings and natural reactions and I will not subject them to this as the practice can induce unnecessary fear and in some cases injury from a natural reaction. Properly handled and socialised rats thrive without this testing.
- I will not home kittens without a homing questionnaire being completed and approved. This is so that I can support owners and can be assured that my rats are going to owners that share an understanding of how to take care of them.
- Kittens will be homed in a minimum of 2 so they may have same age company which is essential for their development. I will never home a solo kitten. Trios are recommended for those that currently have no rats as a trio provides a better social dynamic for them. I will never home a group of 4 same aged kittens from the same litter.
- I require all owners of my kittens to inform me of any health issues so that I can monitor the health of the litter. This will allow me to assess the health of my lines and if I need to adjust my breeding plans moving forwards.
- Any rats that have been homed out and can no longer be looked after will be taken back no questions asked. The owner should contact me if their circumstances change regarding the care they can provide to Gingerbread rats and rats should not be rehomed without my permission.
- From 1st January 2025, any Gingerbread rats that are taken back will be subject to a £40 fee per rat. This is because I am not a business and already have to cover the costs of my own rats. Any rats returned will have an assumed vet cost or put to sleep cost attached and this fee will be used to cover this. This fee might be able to be waived depending on circumstances and age of the returnees - please ask.
- My rats are fed a Shunamite style mix with supplements and additional fresh food several times a week. I will require rats I home to be fed a similar mix. Nuggets are not appropriate and I will not home to somewhere that plans to feed a nugget diet.
- You do not have permission to breed from kittens that I home out, they are for pet enjoyment only.